dissabte, 13 de març del 2010

No woman, no cry

No woman, no cry.
Cause I remember when we used to sit
in the government yard in Trechtown.
Oba, observing the hypocrites
as they would mingle with the good people we meet.
Good friends we have had, 
oh good friends we've lost along the way.
In this bright future you can't forget your past.
So dry your tears I say
no woman, no cry.
No woman, no cry.
Oh, my little darlin, don't she'd no tears.
No woman, no cry.

Said, said,
said I remember when we used to sit
in the government yard in Trechtown.
And then Georgie would make the fire light
log wood burnin' through the night.
Then we would cook corn meal porridge
of wich I'll share with you.
My feet is my only carriage
so I've got to push on through
but while I'm gone…

Everything's gonna be alright.
Everything's gonna be alright.
Everything's gonna be alright.
No woman, no cry.
No woman, no cry.
Oh, my little sister, don't she'd no tears.
No woman, no cry.

No Woman No Cry
Bob Marley & The Wailers
Natty Dread, 1974


Com oblidar aquelles primeres nits junts. Nits de foscor, de fum i llums de colors. Tu ballaves davant meu i jo… jo remenava el cul amb aquella poca gràcia que tenim els que no tenim cap gràcia per ballar. I et mirava i em sentia el paio més afortunat del món per tenir-te al meu costat.
Tan de bo fossis aquí per poder dir-te una vegada més com t'estimo.

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